4.7   Preferences

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Make sure you set your Preferences though the plugins - CF-104 Systems - Preferences Menu.  

Figure 3.2 - Preferences Window

Save Fuel Levels Between Flights
Selecting this option will save fuel levels between flights.  When you re-start X-Plane, your fuel level will be the same as when you last exited.

Symmetric BLC
Boundary Layer Control (BLC) Flaps are designed to provided more lift over the wings during landing to keep landing speeds reasonable.  Engine air is ducted over the flaps when they are in landing configuration to prevent airflow separation over the flaps, thereby increasing lift.  Engine RPMs must be over 83% for BLC to be effective.  Below this value, you will lose lift.  In some Starfighters, you'd lose lift over the flaps at roughly the same time.  This is symmetric BLC.  More often than not, you'd lift over the one flap before the other.  This would cause the plane to roll if you reduced engine power below 83% rpm.  If you were slow enough, one wing would stall and you would find yourself in a very fast uncommanded roll.  Leave this box unchecked if you want to have some fun.  This is why engine RPMs must be kept above 83% during landing until the aircraft is on the ground.

Play Outdoor Sounds when Engine is Off
If you want to hear the odd Starfighter fly over or hear the glorious sounds of nature and chirping birdies, check this box.  With the engine off and the canopy open, you will hear nature at its finest.  If anyone actually likes this, I may offer a choice between nature sounds or more industrial sounds.  If you don't like my sounds, you can substitute your own.  The sounds are prefixed by "amb" and are in the CF-104/sounds folder.

Use Mixture Control for Throttle Idle/Cutoff. 
If you have a separate mixture lever, once the mixture lever is set more than half way, the throttle will go from cutoff to idle.  If you are using this option you can unassign the function key for Throttle Idle/Cutoff in the Plugins-CF-104 Systems-Joystick Setup window.

Auto Refuel from Fuel Truck
If this option is on, a fuel truck will stop by your plane and refuel you when you turn your engine off.  The refuelling rate is fast and accurate.

Stick Shaker Sound
The stick shaker always seems to be on when turning or flying at all slow.  A sound is used as an indication that the stick shaker is active.  Uncheck this option if this sound annoys you.
Engine Howl Sounds
The engine in the Starfighter has an unique howling noise at certain engine rpms.  I've tried to replicate it.  I think it needs improvement.  You can turn it off if you don't care for it.

Engine Volume Slider
If you find the engine volume too loud, you can use this slider to turn it down.  Flying in a Starfighter is however, quite loud and the sounds are recorded from the real jet so hook up your computer to your stereo and crank up the volume.

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