Save thousands of dollars in jet fuel costs and train formation at home!
Update for version 9 coming soon

What is "Formation!" ?

Formation! Consists of Two Components:

1.  Formation Training Application:

This application runs with the X-Plane flight simulator our “virtual wind tunnel” and works with all aircraft.  This allows you to fly multi-ship and multi-type formations anywhere in the virtual world with real flight dynamics.  Before the creation of Formation! your only choices were to fly online, or fly with computer-generated aircraft.  Flying online requires a fast internet connection and planning on your part to link up with another pilot.  To overcome the weakness of slow internet connections many people have linked computers together in a large room, again not practical.  Computer generated aircraft fly at the same speed as a perfect stabile platform, this is not what happens in the real world.  We found these options to not be practical, thus we created Formation!

The beauty of our application is that you can practice formation flying techniques at home, in a virtual world in real time, any time you want.  You can even save your flight and email them to other pilots who can fly inside your virtual formation flight.  You will quickly learn what it takes to be a smooth flight lead as well as a good wingman.  Formation! provides a realistic flying experience and improves technique in one of the safest environments. Visual to motor skills can deteriorate quickly if not practiced on a routine bases.  Voice calls can be added to your formation training flight and are provided in the lessons to give formation change instructions allowing universal nomenclature.  Different voice calls can lead to confusion with pilots who have trained in different branches of the military.

2.  Formation Lessons:

Formation flying has been named by many as an art.  Lessons are available separately along with training videos and hand books.  First watch the instruction video for details on technique for the specific lesson and aircraft.  Virtual training lessons are provided by John Kezele, T-33 Instructor pilot and CFI/I and other formation experts as individual aircraft become available.   Formation change commands are provided by the lead aircraft utilizing the Classic Jet Aircraft Associations approved voice list.  Lessons will be provided for simple join-ups, turns, breaks, formation takeoffs and landings, lost wingman, emergencies as well as formation aerobatics.  These lesson are geared to help you recognizes the F.A.S.T. principles and standards.  It is a goal for Classic Jet Sims to work closely with the CJAA Formation Group Committee to assure that these training modules facilitate proficiency, safety and currency as well as foster the “best formation attitude.”

Save Money and Increase Proficiency

The formation training system is proven to be a very effective training method for pilots with any amount of formation flying experience.  For the rookie, it provides all of the techniques necessary to learn formation flying and provides a safe way to learn important lessons.  Just learning to control your relative motion can take hours in the air and thousands of dollar of fuel.   For the experienced pilot, Formation! allows them to keep their skills sharp.  Why show up at your next FAST clinic unprepared?

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